HOLY ROLLER BABY bringen uns den „Leper Blues“

Die US-Amerikaner von Holy Roller Baby bringen, irgendwie passend, ihre neue Single „Leper Blues“ heraus. Da plant man einen Release Monate im Voraus und ahnt nicht, wie die Welt sich verändern wird und dann passt der Song auf einmal so zum aktuellen Geschehen….

Sänger Jared über den Song:
 „I hate to fill in all the blanks because it takes the fun out of discovering a new song, but essentially this is Beauty and the Beast. It’s about feeling like a leper (old Biblical disease that is mostly eradicated in today’s world), an outcast, an untouchable, an undesirable, cursed but falling in love with a religious zealot (a holy roller), someone as pure as they come. Imagine a sick man in quarantine during a pandemic seeing the woman of his dreams and not being able to touch, feel, hold, talk to or win her over. Damn timing!“

Zum Video ergänzt er:
„The video was made back in September to spoof South by Southwest. It’s great now because the Festival was largely cancelled. When this video comes out I’m going to title it like this: „Leper Blues (Best SXSW Showcase 2020.“ If you’ve ever been to SXSW, there’s music everywhere. I mean, really anywhere…backyards, parking garages, rooftops, corner streets, the local convenience store. The idea of the video was to do a comic spin on how heavy the music sounds (take the piss out of it) by showing the band taking the song very seriously…then you find out they’re playing a kid’s birthday party.“

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