Trailer crashed into historic building in Yeehaw Junction 22. Dezember 2019 / English videos / crash, Desert Inn Restaurant, rumble, TrailerTrailer crashed in building (c) Rumble 1ShareRumble — A tractor trailer crashed into the historic Desert Inn and Restaurant in Yeehaw Junction early Sunday morning. Video courtesy of Michael Brown/South Florida Wanderer.0:00 / 0:0015 seconds15 seconds1ShareDas könnte Dir auch gefallen!DeWolff LIVE in Berlin - historic recording from 2010 at NBI BerlinLucy Kruger & The Lost Boys verlassen mit neuer Riot-Grrrl-Single…"The Rain" gibt den Startschuss für die erstmalige Independent-Single…Smash Into Pieces lässt uns zu Silvester mit ihrer neuen Single „Not…SMASH INTO PIECES - VANGUARD