NEW YORK Photosession with „A Moment with Q“
After being a photographer nearly forever I started focussing on malemodels a couple of years ago, during a vacation in New York City.
Nowadays I combine traveling and nice collaborations with malemodels from all over the world.
Mostly they are newcomers, but quite a few made their first step into the modeling business in front of my camera.
I even saw some of them as „extras“ in a couple of huge #Netflix #productions, like „The Glass Onion“ (movie) or „Smiley“ (spanish series). And I am soooo proud when I discover that!!!
@amomentwithq #capcut #malemodel #photoshoot #malemodels #fashion #neyworkcity #malemodeling #photosession #photography #photoofthday #fashionmodel #photographylovers
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