Thomas Krüger – „Fade to Grey“ (Visage)

Thomas Krüger – „Fade to Grey“ (Visage)


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Last video for this great year 2018.

I hope you’ve had fun and also some special moments and emotions with me. Thanks for following, subscribing and greetings to the best fans in the world! ?


The song is from great and fabolous composers Billy Currie und Christopher Payne, written by Midge Ure and singing by Steve stare. The name of this New Romantic-Synthie-Pop project Visage. Song called: „Fade to grey“

It was released on November 10, 1980 and reached chart position 1 in Germany and 8 in the UK.

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-》 Instagram: thomaskrueger.official

-》 Facebook: Thomas Krüger – Mr. Pianoman


Dieses Video und seine Inhalte stammt vom offiziellen YouTube-Kanal von THOMAS KRÜGER – aka Mr. Pianoman.
Das Video und die Beschreibungstexte dienen zu Informations- und Promotion-Zwecken.
Sämtliches Copyright bleibt selbstverständlich bei Thomas Krüger. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Musicstarter GmbH & Co. KG.
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