Promise (Reprise) from Silent Hill 2 – Piano Version by Thomas Krüger

Promise (Reprise) from Silent Hill 2 – Piano Version by Thomas Krüger


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Listen to more of my Game Songs on the piano here: ► Subscribe to my Youtube channel here: ►üger Click the ? bell to always be notified on new uploads! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook here: ► Get Thomas Krüger Sheet Music here: ► Learn piano songs quickly and easily with this app: ► My favorite piano songs in a Spotify playlist: ► Thomas Krüger Concert Tickets: ► ______________________ Promise (Reprise) is a song from the game Silent Hill 2. It’s track 6 in the game’s soundtrack and was composed by Akira Yamaoka. The song is also featured in the Silent Hill movie and is the theme for Sharon Da Silva / Dark Alessa / Alessa Gillespie. The theme is introduced when Rose Da Silva finds Sharon’s drawings, when she sees Alessa in Midwich Elementary School in the abandoned sacrificial chamber, and again when Rose speaks to Dark Alessa in Alessa’s hospital room in Brookhaven Hospital. Greetings from Berlin and Wolfsburg, I hope you´ll enjoy that one. ? Video production by Noisebird Media ► Thanks especially to Souhaieb! ? ______________________ More of my videos: Thomas Krüger – Concert for Localiza Brazil (Part 1): ► Thomas Krüger – Best of Piano Video Compilation (Part 1) ► ______________________ ? Info & Booking: ______________________ #ThomasKrüger #SilentHill #Promise #MrPianoman

Dieses Video und seine Inhalte stammt vom offiziellen YouTube-Kanal von THOMAS KRÜGER – aka Mr. Pianoman.
Das Video und die Beschreibungstexte dienen zu Informations- und Promotion-Zwecken.
Sämtliches Copyright bleibt selbstverständlich bei Thomas Krüger. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Musicstarter GmbH & Co. KG.
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