Improvisation in a pavilion! Ludovico Einaudi – Nuvole Bianche in Munich

Improvisation in a pavilion! Ludovico Einaudi – Nuvole Bianche in Munich


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„Mr. Pianoman live in Concert“ 🎶 COME TO MY SPECIAL XMAS CONCERT: 21.12. BERLIN → WABE Get tickets here: 🎟 🎫 ► ______________________ Click the 🔔 bell to always be notified on new uploads! Thomas Krüger Social Media: ► Subscribe to my Youtube channel here: ►üger My favorite piano songs in a Spotify playlist: ► ______________________ In Munich I met absolutely spontaneous Moritz Friedemann. He played the famous music of ‚Nuvole Bianche‘ by Ludovico Einaudi and I joined him for a duett. Magic moment, which we created in this beautiful pavilion of the Munich courtyard garden. Thanks to Daniel Vasiliev. For playing so spontaneous on his grand piano. Also, Thank You to the unknown person who made this video. ❤️ ______________________ More of my videos: Thomas Krüger live in Concert – „Hijo de la Luna“ by Mecano/Loona (Piano Cover) ► Wonderful Piano Duet [Ludovico Einaudi – „Night“] at Amsterdam Train Station – Thomas Krüger ► Pianist plays Time (Inception) by Hans Zimmer and see what happens next! ► ______________________ #ThomasKrüger #ludovicoeinaudi #nuvolebianche

Dieses Video und seine Inhalte stammt vom offiziellen YouTube-Kanal von THOMAS KRÜGER – aka Mr. Pianoman.
Das Video und die Beschreibungstexte dienen zu Informations- und Promotion-Zwecken.
Sämtliches Copyright bleibt selbstverständlich bei Thomas Krüger. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Musicstarter GmbH & Co. KG.
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